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Moscow IMET International wins the UAE Business Award 2021.  

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M.Ya.Bickbau speaks on Nanocement at the State Oil and Gas Institute in Ufa city. 

Under the patronage of the local Government of Bashkotorstan, M.Ya.Bickbau gave presentation on different applications of Nanocement in construction and oil and gas industries.

The conference held in Ufa State Oil and Gas Institute gathered local government officials, industry stakeholders, experts and students.It has been decided to create a centre of innovative technologies in Ufa as joint venture of Moscow IMET and the State Oil and Gas Institute to implement nanocement projects on the industrial scale. On the average it takes an innovative technology from 10 to 15 years from concept design to commercial application. We are well on the way!  To see lecture recordings and photos, click here  

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Reanimating expired cement. Trial conducted in Astana, Kazakhstan by KazNanoCement.

nanocement - leveling
concrete on nanocement

47 tons of Nano cement 55 were produced out of 27 tons of expired OPC 42.5. Freshly made Nano 55 was used in concrete for residential construction in Astana city, Kazakhstan. The pilot project demonstrated excellent results. 

Leveling concrete on Nano cement

First day after pouring

First day of hardening

Nanocement trial conducted at Verhnebakansky Cement Plant, Novorossyisk Region


Nanocement 30 made with clinker 34% and local sand 66% reached 60 MPa compressive strength at 28 days. Impressive were also flexural strength results at 1 day - 5 MPa, compressive strength at 1 day - 27.8 MPa; 2 days - 38 MPa.

Studies of Nanocement conducted by Ryerson University, Toronto Canada.

Technical Laboratory of the Ryerson University has conducted studies of nano cements supplied by Moscow IMET. Now it will be presented to the Industrial Committee for grand review in order to be passed on to the manufacturers. Nano cements have a competitive advantage when used in concrete: better workability, no admixtures needed, less cement is used for better strength concrete products. It is just a matter of time when this technology will be used as a predominant one by cement manufacturers. Father of the technology Professor M.Ya Bickbau is anxious to see this change and is confident that the change is coming very soon. 

New nano cement project is underway. June 2017
Free zone
Offices in place
Land plot

Building a new nano cement plant 300 000 tons/year in Tatarstan in a special economic zone "Alabuga" (free zone). Stages of the project completed: FEED; land acquisition; environmental permitting; construction permitting; contracting engineering/EPC company; procurement of equipment. Start of construction is July 2017 with planned commissioning in 2018.  

M.Ya Bickbau visits the site to personally oversee project development under Director General of "Tatnanocement", Mr. Nazim N. Akhmetov.

Patents registered for USA and Eurasian Economic Union. May 2017

Patenting in different countries takes up a substantial effort and is a significant CAPEX item. Especially when we are talking about 196 countries as a goal. Professor M.Ya. Bickbau personally controls the process. He believes that his "child" Nanocement deserves a proper protection. So far, we have registered patents in all the countries we are working with: Russia, Eurasian Economic Union, USA, Europe, and Egypt, other Middle East countries. 

Moscow IMET participates in BusinessCem Moscow 2017 conference

Marcel Ya. Bickbau, Director General of Moscow IMET as a expert speaker on «Using nano cements in road construction in Russia - urgent necessity".

Our Institute has moved to a new location

Our institute has moved closer to the centre of Moscow. The facility is fully upgraded in accordance with modern standards. 

Nano cement to be used in nuclear power plant construction in Russia and abroad

Four technologies by Moscow IMET are now approved and included in the ROSATOM* registry of innovative solutions to be used in nuclear construction. There were 60 innovative projects in total submitted for the ROSATOM contest. Three technologies by Moscow IMET, including the Nano cement technology has won the first three places. 

* - State Russian Corporation of Atomic Energy

11th Middle East Cement Trade Conference, Dubai, October 5th and 6th , 2015

Presenting the report "Practical Experience in Realising Nano Cement Technology"

Moscow IMET goes to Mirnyi, Yakutia

Moscow IMET experts are invited to Myrnyi city of Yakutsk region famous for its diamond mine. Experts are to use nano cement to strengthen the kimberlite pipe to prevent it from caving in. The experts are doing the reserach at the moment to propose the most efficient solution to the problem. 

Trial in Kazakhstan at KAZCHROM, April - May, 2016

Industrial trial was conducted by Moscow IMET at one of the largest Kazakhstan ferrous alloy producers, including ferrous chrome. KAZCHROM requested industrial testing due to the need to utilize chrome containing slag wich is a waste product of ferrous chrome production. The holding accumulated up to 2 mln tons of chrome containing slag. Moscow IMET conducted the trail on the line of one of the subsidiariies of KAZCHROM - TOO "Lotos Actobe" to produce Nano 35, 55 and 75. Produced Nanocement was tested in concrete mixes with chrome containing slag. It demonstrated significant reduction of chrome concentration in concrete based on Nanocements. Nedeless to say all testing exceeded GOST requirements and expectation proving nanocement to be an excellent material for containing toxic wastes.   

Industrail Trial conducted at Binani Cement Factory, January 20th, 2016 Dubai UAE

material mix. One of the main changes were 50% replacement of clinker with regualr desert sand. Product obtained is being tested for regular mechanical and physical parameters. Initial test results look excellent. Production cost savings amount to up to 60 AED per ton (16.33 USD) when producing Nano 35 (class 42.5) versus prodcution cost of regular OPC class 42.5. Savings in CO2 emissions - up to 70%.

The first industrial trail of Nano cement production conducted at the cement plant in Dubai UAE. Binani Cement Factory produced 700 tonns of 3 classes of Nano cement (Nano cement 75, Nano cement 55, Nano cement 35), predominantly Nano cement 55, without any changes to the production line. The only things that were adjusted were gridning media and raw 

First in the world commercial Nano cement plant will be built in Tatarstan, December 3, 2015

Deputy Assistant of National Council of Tatarstan, Mr. Nazim Nurilovich Ahmetov signs the contract with Moscow IMET to produce Nano cement and build the plant with total capacity of 1 000 000 tons. The first commercial Nano cement plant will be located in Mendeleevsk City of Tatarstan Republic. The project is at the stage of design. The first production line with the capacity of 300 000 tons is planned to be commissioned in April-May of 2016. Most Nano cement production lines in Russia have been carried over from the Soviet Era; it is widely used for defense and military installations. The first commercialization of Nano cement since the release of the technology by the Russian Government will be a new production facility in Tatarstan. The new plant, Tatnanocement, will produce exclusively Nano cement of all classes. Tatnanocement will also be used as a reference site for future licensees.

Moscow IMET recieves the National Excellence Award for Safety and Quality, December 3, 2015

Marcel Ya. Bickbau appears on National Television, November 18, 2015

Marcel Bickbau appears on national television to talk about methods of constructing national highways. The show is a reaction to a new fee imposed by the Government on truck drivers for road usage. Money collected will be contributed to a National Road Fund and dispersed to repair asphalt concrete roads. This material prevails in Russian road system and is responsible for it's poor state. Professor Bickbau suggests to build new road system out of concrete based on Nano cement. He offers a method of laying prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs connected with steel cables providing a longer lasting and more durable alternative to current roads.

10th Cement Trade Conference, Dubai, October 5th and 6th , 2015

We are proud to announce our participation in the 10th Cement Trade Conference, held in Dubai, UAE October 5th and 6th of 2015. David Campbell, the Head of Business Development of Moscow IMET International will be chairing one of the sessionsand will be doing a presentation "Effective use of Nano modified Portland Cement".

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Moscow Institute of Material Science and Efficient Technologies International, Dubai UAE

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